The Vision
Our desire is to empower women of all ages who are broken through child sex abuse to see and reach their full potential, irrespective of their previous experiences.
Transformation is a charity that is run by people who believe that we should love our neighbours as we love ourselves. Support and assistance is provided by Transformation to people whatever their faith and for those of no faith.
All who come to us will be embraced and shown unconditional love as we walk side by side with them in their journey to wholeness. Our mandate is to ‘bring good news to the afflicted, to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives, and freedom to prisoners, …..to comfort all who mourn, ……to give them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, … and a garment of praise instead of despair’.
Our desire is to empower women of all ages who are broken through child sex abuse to see and reach their full potential, irrespective of their previous experiences.
It is our hope that any young girl that has had to leave home because of abuse or is living on the street will hear about the Centre. Although we will not be in a position to house everybody, we will be able to offer somewhere temporarily while we work alongside the local authorities and other agencies to sort out long term accommodation.
We want the Centre to be seen by people as a secure and supportive place that they will continue to use, even after they have moved on. We would like them to have the confidence to know that whatever they are struggling with, we are still here as a community to support them.
The Transformation community will operate as an extended family to provide a caring, supportive, and accepting environment whilst enabling every individual to grow and mature at their own pace and to achieve their personal goals.
Transformation Powerhouse is a “Therapeutic Centre” for women of all ages who are victims or survivors of sexual abuse, set up to empower the women who come to us to see and reach their full potential. We are creating a residential and extended community that will provide a caring, supportive, accepting family environment. Although we cannot change anyone’s past experiences, we know that once someone has a real desire to overcome the effects of their negative past, they will find all that is needed for them to succeed at Transformation Powerhouse.
Our approach and testimony is described in a beautiful song by LaShun Pace called ‘This Place’ in which she sings the words : ‘Trust me – right here in this place. It might not feel good where you are. Trust me.’ Listen to this powerful song of hope and encouragement.
Our mourning can be changed into dancing;
to bestow beauty instead of ashes.
(Isaiah 61)